Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Green eggs & hamlet

1) I don't really know anything about the play hamlet other then Shakespeare wrote it and that it is probably pretty boring and confusing like previous plays we have read by him.
2.) Shakespeare was one of the most famous play writers back then, and to ever live. We have read a few of his plays throughout high school. Freshman year we read Romeo and Juliet, and Sophmore year we read Julius Ceaser. I know we talked a lot about iambic parameter, and why he used this. Also, we were always told that the plays were very crude, yet never told what or where these parts could be found.
3.) I think students frown when they hear Shakespeare because he plays are so confusing and pointless. If you can tell me exactly when and why I will need to know how to write in iambic parameter then I see all the reason to learn his writings, but I can't think of any myself.
4.) To make this experience less of a drag, maybe we could read it in a version that has been translated to modern day speech.

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